Calling from Home
Amivox International Calling Rates are Among the Best Calling Rates Available!
Using Amivox from your home country is ideal to call your international friends or family. Simple download the APP or use our web to make your calls. You no longer need to wait for getting home and communicate for low price.
Simply use Amivox from your mobile or from ANY landline whenever you would like to make a call.
Register for free and call your friends abroad for a low price!
Call from Your Mobile
When you have the Amivox App on your Smartphone you can use Amivox to make low cost calls with high quality audio wherever you are. You can increase your Amivox balance by adding credits to your account.
Call from Your Landline
You can easily use Amivox with your land-line. You can simply start your calls either from a web browser or from your smart phone app and select your landline number as your callback number. Speaking from a landline is often the cheapest and most convenient way of communicating.